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3:58 PM, Dec 29, 2003 toot this
Not Alex's Room
Isn't this disgusting?


Heebie_Jeebies interrupted with:
That blanket brings back memories. Where have I seen that before?

2:12 PM, Jan 6, 2003

bahua blurted:
Where indeed?

3:10 PM, Jan 6, 2003

thesmartone blurted:
The funny part is, with that bed room, he STILL gets chicks.

6:18 PM, Dec 29, 2003

Chicus brooked no delay in saying:
That's not what I have been hearing.

8:17 PM, Dec 29, 2003

bahua took the time to say:
Yeah, he's been whining a bit lately.

6:38 AM, Dec 30, 2003

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