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1:38 AM, Oct 25, 2002 toot this
10/25/2002 2:38 AM
Getting ready for "the party" this weekend. A kcgeek personality will be throwing a Halloween party at their house, and costumes will be encouraged. I'm beginning to think about recanting my offer to my brother, to take my camera with him to Baltimore. He's heading there to see his girlfriend, for the first time since he's moved here. I hope he remembers that rent is due from the now freshly delivered and deposited check. You probably can't tell, but the pictures section is 100% cgi scripts now. I am also going to Lawrence this weekend, to see Karl Denson's Tiny Universe. The last time I went to Larrytown, I saw Galactic, and that was the best show I've seen since I moved to KC. So, as might be assumed, I am quite excited for this show, and for this whole short weekend.

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