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1:20 PM, Jan 1, 2007 toot this
A New Year
I dressed up and went to Kelly's for dinner and drinks last night. I stayed there and talked with those folks until about 8:30pm, when I hopped in the car and went down to Matt's place in the River Market and proceeded to attend one of the most boring New Year's Eve parties I have ever seen. As these things tend to do, it improved considerably after some alcohol had been consumed.

In anticipation of the big moment, Matt showed us to a ladder leading to a hatch in the roof. I was the second one up, and noticed when I had settled to my feet that 2006 would end in about seven seconds. So I started counting off into the bitter wind and screamed like a madman when the clock struck midnight. What was more amazing than the predictable passage of time was the horizon. At midnight it was lit up in all directions with fireworks. From the roof of the six-story building, we had an excellent artillery-style view of all the surrounding area, except past the skyline to our south. The sudden cold of that day put a slight damper on it, but the fireworks in unison along the horizon were really cool to watch.

We went back downstairs, ate some cheese, and crashed a real party on the first floor. Jeff and I called it a night by about 3am. It was a fun New year.

By the way, I have ambitiously resolved to lose fifty pounds this year.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly