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11:02 AM, Nov 7, 2003 toot this
Despair Poster
Since I have a cubicle at work now, I thought I should get some decoration for it. I figured a good place to start would be with a big poster of this. It should arrive within a week or so. Until then, my cube is looking pretty bare.


Carl offered:
When I was an intern and had a door with walls around it (those were the good old days) I printed this one out and stuck it on the door.

10:03 PM, Nov 6, 2003

Blas took the time to say:
So true, so true

12:14 PM, Nov 7, 2003

Heart thinks:
<3 bahua

8:03 PM, Nov 7, 2003

Latey_McThirdshift interrupted with:

9:06 AM, Nov 18, 2003

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