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2:15 AM, Sep 2, 2006 toot this
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Day Six: Portland
Erp woke me up this morning, and informed me that we had slept all the way until about 11:45am. This proved to be untrue, as I was doing my laundry later, and found that it still wasn't that time yet. We took care of morning businesses, and hopped aboard the #14 bus at about 12:30pm. This was a good deal later than I had hoped to get out a lot earlier, but our sleepy heads and my need for clean clothes trumped that deal.

We hoped to get downtown and into a place to eat well before my wandering sister arrived in town on the next train from Chicago, but we wound us going to the station and waiting around for about a half an hour. Rachel finally arrived, exhausted from a 2000-mile trip riding coach. She had no idea what she was doing. She wanted to haul all of her stuff all the way down to a neighborhood about five miles away, to see if some dude that she'd never met would let her live there without paying anything.

Needless to say, he wasn't interested in giving my sister a free room, but welcomed us to hang out with him and even gave us beers to drink(Bridgeport ESB). He was exceedingly hospitable, and was a total hippie. The whole place reeked of weed. After Rachel got some idea of where she wanted to try next, she announced the address, and the dude was unable to find it in the phone book, but offered nonetheless to drive us to 39th Avenue, so we could catch the #75 to the Kennedy School. My the time we dragged Rachel's heavy shit into the novelty restored elementary school-turned brewery, it was already after 3pm.

We had "lunch," and as we sat there, Rachel finally got ahold of someone that lives in Portland that was willing to take her in, at least on a temporary basis. I was very annoyed by the time. We settled our tab, and hauled Rachel's heavy life over to the bus stop, and waited with her for the next bus to arrive. The next bus came shortly, and we exchanged good-byes. Then, Erp and I got back to the business of discovering Portland.

Unfortunately, the sun was already setting. With this in mind, I insisted that we visit the Portland City Grill, on the 30th floor of the USBank Tower, the tallest building in town, so the view could still be discerned. We had a couple of beers there, and moved on from there to the Tugboat Brewery, for the city's best atmosphere. Some three-piece was playing some kind of tune direct from Medeski, Martin, and Wood. The beer and scenery were excellent.

After that, we walked over to Henry's Tavern on 12th Ave and Burnside, where I had my first ever dinner featuring tofu. A pa nang curry piece, it was out-of-this-world delicious. On top of that, I finally got a pint of Arrogant Bastard Ale, and relished it happily. It was late by this time, so we took a cab back to the neighborhood where our hostel is. We both got some cash(we finally found a Bank of America), and walked over to a place called the Bagdad Theater and Pub. It turned out it was another McMenamin's joint, so we grabbed some more locally-produced beer before calling it a night.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly