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3:33 PM, Jul 14, 2002 toot this
7/14/2002 4:33 PM
I had a nice weekend. I started it out, Friday morning, with a 9:30 AM beer at Kelly's, in Westport, with an accompaniment of donuts immediately following work. Following that, I promised a bunch of people that I'd meet them for bowling, but accidentally slept through it. The first day off after third shift is always the toughest. Saturday morning, I followed some buddies to PCMutants, to see the layout at their new location, in KCK. Later that same day, I took a trip up to a car dealership, to have a look at a Subaru WRX Sedan. It was amazing. It behaves exactly like a car should. After that, we took a tour at Boulevard Brewery, also here in KC. We enjoyed an extended "sampling" period, and got slightly loopy on stout and porter. Later in the evening, I had a 35-mile field trip with my friends Joel and Susie, to various drinking establishments, searching for the ideal bar. After repeated disappointment, we returned, as we always do, to the Newsroom, to the sight of attractive lesbians dancing and making out. I had a good Saturday.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly