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10:01 PM, Oct 10, 2004 toot this
Karl Denson
The show, as I expected, was just excellent. I got a chance to talk to the master saxophonist after the show, and inquired about something he mentioned on stage, the last time I saw them play. He said that he grew up a Kansas City Chiefs fan, so I guessed that he might actually be from somewhere close. Alas, it is not so. He told me, with a certain degree of discretion, that he's originally from Orange County, as if it's something he didn't really want to get out. Well I'm here to say that the country's most talented Boogaloo saxophonist is from the LA area, and I personally don't see why that's something to keep quiet, considering the modern inception of the genre was spawned there, about ten years ago.

Pelican Publishing recorded the show, and offered CDs of it immediately following, for $15. I thought it was an excellent idea, and I hope more people do this. I picked up the Universe's latest album, the previous night's performance at the Blue Note in Columbia, and the show I just saw. It was just amazing. I'm extracting the CDs to ogg, right now.

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