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5:31 AM, Nov 24, 2003 toot this
Irresponsible Sunday
Holy crap it is cold outside! When I walked past a bank on the way to the bus stop this morning, I spotted the time and temperature sign, and just after flashing "7:28 AM"(indicating that I was running late), it read 16° F. It was 75° last week! Ah, well, such is the indecisive nature of Kansas City's weather, when we're out of the blistering hot season.

Brian and I made a delicious Italian meal last night, of prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella rotolas, doused ridiculously in olive oil, along with some kind of excellent pasta. We followed that with a two-hour conversation, while we finished off the array of delicious, seasonal, but mostly winter beers we had stockpiled. Now that I think of it, I drank a good deal more beer than I imagined we would have, especially on a night before work. Three of the beers' number were winter warmer beers, and they absolutely hit the spot. I slept like a baby, and woke up with acute indigestion, five minutes before my alarm went off.

I purchased a new dresser on Saturday, and when I get it home, I'll let you know what it looks like, with a photograph.

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