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8:01 AM, Dec 30, 2003 toot this
Pager Nightmares
I had a nightmare last night, that woke me up. It wasn't particularly scary, or even a little scary, but I woke up a little distressed, all the same. My nightmare was actually proceeding normally as a nice dream about beer, or women, or barbecue sauce or something, when the intrusive, but familiar sound of my pager going off interrupted everything. I woke up, and checked my pager, but it was sitting silent, and hadn't gone off at all. I dreamed about my pager going off. I need to get off this oncall schedule.


Jesse took the time to say:
After reading this horrible dream that you are having, it prompted for my attention. I think that it would be beneficial for me to page you at 12am everynight. I think this would help you out with your sleeping habits. And it would make me feel better about how Im helping you.

1:56 PM, Jan 8, 2003

joe@blow.com brooked no delay in saying:
you are weak

9:07 AM, Dec 30, 2003

Latey_McThirdshift commented:
yow, trade ya!

4:36 PM, Dec 30, 2003

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@2002-2024, John Kelly