2:30 PM, Jul 23, 2008
RSS Wonkiness
Apologies to anyone that subscribes to my
RSS feed. I noticed today that there were some outstanding issues with validation and dating that needed to be fixed. With a little help from an online validation service, and a helpful coworker, the feed is working properly, apparently for the first time ever.
Jeff offered:
so that's why there were like 15 unread bdc items in my feed today...
3:24 PM, Jul 23, 2008
Brian was sure you'd want to know:
It's been working fine with Firefox live bookmarks, and continues to work fine..
12:21 PM, Jul 24, 2008
rkelly offered:
the feed I set up for you on livejournal has always worked perfectly! uwahahaha.
12:25 PM, Jul 25, 2008