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4:31 AM, May 20, 2003 toot this
5/20/2003 5:31 AM
We had a great weekend. Rather, we had a great Saturday. The rest was fine, but the Saturday was literally brimming with happenings and goings-on. I got off work at the usual time on Friday, and went to get a haircut and a couple hours' sleep. I was awakened by a violently ringing and vibrating phone, about 45 minutes before the time that Joel and Susie and I had allocated to see the Matrix. We saw it, I loved it, I went back to bed for a few more hours.

I forsook running on Friday night for another exercise: going and getting a buritto and a sixpack. Gomer's had New Belgium's Trippel on sale, so I helped myself, and got dizzy, just in time for Brian to get home from work. We played games until 5 AM, when we both fell heavily asleep.

We attended the 3rd anniversary barbecue in Raytown(shown below), drank tasty beer, and moved right along to a tour at Boulevard and dinner at Taqueria Mexico, nearby. Brian and I came home, and napped for a few hours before going to the Plaza to see the Matrix again. That got out at 1 AM and again, we fell heavily asleep.

We spent Sunday just basically being lazy, and I managed to stay up until about 7 AM, making it very easy for me to stay up tonight at work, without feeling sleepy at all. I have two more weeks of running and goofing around Kansas City before we head for Peoria.

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