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2:13 PM, Dec 17, 2007 toot this
Elephants and Maintenance
I went to Erp's house on Friday night for a going-away party for Erik that was being combined with a sweater party and white elephant party. We didn't have time to also make it a housewarming party, as Erp had wished.

Nevertheless, it was a great party. In the white elephant exchange, I received a set of shower caps. I had intended to regift whatever I received in the gift exchange at another white elephant party that I'm attending on Tuesday, but due to the overall crumminess of the gift, everyone else just helped themselves to the shower caps while I was in the bathroom.

As we enjoyed the evening, the snow began to fall. By the time a patient Brad led me out to give me a ride home, the snow had accumulated to about an inch, turning the ride into a lively one. I stayed up until 4am watching the latest episode of Heroes, and slept until well after one in the afternoon. It was quite intentional, since I would be working maintenance that night.

I went into the office at about 8pm, and through better-than-average planning, and a bit of luck, was able to get out by 2:30am. I slept on Sunday until only about 11:30am, and enjoyed a full day of lounging around the apartment in my underpants before the sun began to set, and Jeff suggested a dinner out. I happily agreed, and a half hour later we were sitting across a table from each other at Jazz, staring into glasses of Pale Ale and Abita Turbodog. A delicious dinner followed, a portion of which is still in the refrigerator for tonight, and I was in bed by 11pm.

I had a lovely weekend.


dick impersonator responded:
shower caps make me moist

2:53 AM, Dec 18, 2007

the true dick brooked no delay in saying:
who dares use my nickname?

7:47 AM, Dec 18, 2007

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