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9:53 PM, Mar 19, 2006 toot this
Burritos and ESBs
After a lively run over to 11th and Wyandotte, I caight the 51, headed south. There was some kind of traffic-fostering happening going on downtown, as is often the case on Saturdays, but that ensured that the bus was a little late, and allowed me to handily have enough time to catch the bus.

I got off in Westport, fresh with the news, via text message, that Jeff would probably be another 45 minutes. I had some time to kill, and wasn't in much of a drinking mood. I was hungry though, so I went to Mesa Wraps for a tasty spicy burrito.

As I was walking out of the restaurant after a leisurely chomp, Jeff appeared, walking from another direction. We settled down to a couple of ESBs at McCoy's, and some chips and salsa. After that, we made our way over to the Flea Market, where Jeff had one of their famous burgers, and we split two pitchers. Feeling a bit dizzy, we decided to head over to Dave's Stagecoach for some $2 Flying Monkeys, before catching the last bus of the day, back to downtown.

Having missed his last bus, Jeff reluctantly accepted a futon-appointed place to sleep, and that was that.

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