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12:45 PM, Oct 31, 2005 toot this
When I got back from Salina, I was looking forward to hitting the town. Unfortunately, my plans for the evening fell through, and I wound up just going to 12 Baltimore with Geoff and Katie, for a drink or two. Just prior to that, however, I got a new camera. My old rig, a Canon Powershot s410, which I loved, just went to crap on me. Through several occasions of dropping it on stone or paved floors, both the screen and the comfactflash door ceased functioning. The latest infraction, however, is that it corrupts about 80% of all the pictures it takes, now.

I was on IRC recently, and I offhandedly asked if anyone is looking to get rid of a 3 megapixel camera, and it turned out that someone was trying to get rid of a 6 megapixel rig that they were given for free. I offered $200, and now I am the happy owner of a Fuji e550 camera. I spent a good deal of Friday walking around and getting some autumn pictures of downtown.

Alex came down to visit, this weekend, and joined us for trivia night at the Brick, and we got entirely too drunk, all around town.

For this and other embarrasing photography, see the newest album in the pictures section.

1 comment

Rachel responded:
Gorgeous pictures, as per uzh.

2:00 PM, Nov 2, 2005

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