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8:40 AM, Mar 20, 2004 toot this
Kathleen and June
Kathleen is in town, this weekend, along with our cousin June, from St. Louis. While Brian was at work last night, Kathleen, June, and I went over to the River Market for dinner and a beer. As we were walking back to the apartment, we passed the Phoenix. "Do you guys want to step inside, and see how it is," I asked. We went in, and wound up listening to live jazz and blues until closing time. Over the course of this time, I drank way too much wine. One burrito and a night's sleep later, all's well.


bahua took the time to say:

8:39 PM, Mar 21, 2004

Tor_Coolguy replied:
Yeah, Likely story.

1:22 AM, Mar 24, 2004

June brooked no delay in saying:
By the way that burrito ROCKED!

5:30 PM, Apr 3, 2004

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