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9:31 PM, Dec 29, 2005 toot this
Conundra and Breakbeats
I love Kansas City's weather. People here complain about winter to no end, and I just don't get it. Maybe you have to have seen a real winter to appreciate just how mild it really is in KC. When I left Peoria, after Christmas, it was cold, overcast, and slushy. It was great weather for getting a divorce. But as I made the just-under-six-hour trip to KC, the sky cleared, and it warmed up very nicely. By the time I was in Kearney to fill my tank, it was nice enough outside to pump gas without a coat or even long sleeves.

Speaking of gas, I have always gotten better mileage with gas purchased in Missouri, especially at Quicktrip. I don't mean for this to be a commercial for them, but I got fifty miles more on my tank, from what I filled with in North KC on my way to Peoria. So, not only does gas in Illinois cost more, but it doesn't work as well. On my next car trip to Illinois, I will make sure to top off in Hannibal, before plunging into the waste state.

I met Heidi for lunch in Westport, yesterday, and she was able to help even more, in my aforementioned personal conundrum. After getting that potentially awkward moment out of the way, we lapsed into pleasant conversation, and parted affectionately punching each other's elbows, rather unconsciously. We'll be going to Harry's Country Club for New Year's Eve, with a group. It'll be my first New Year's Eve in Kansas City, and the first one in my life for which I will be well dressed. It's going to be a blast.

My transfer, to get back downtown, expired about six minutes after we parted ways, so I got out a fresh dollar, and started walking, finally settling on the MAX stop at 39th and Main. A 57 bus came by about three minutes later, so I hopped on, to find that it goes mostly down Walnut and Grand streets, downtown, meaning I had to walk all the way across 11th street to get home. It was alright, though. I was listening to the Beta Band's new album the whole time, which was excellent, and for some reason, I just never get tired of the views, walking through downtown.

I was a little bummed when I got home, having basically nothing to do. My accumulated holiday days had to be used before the end of the year, and I had three to use, so I officially have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off, this week. So, bored, I played some games. Around six PM or so, I got the idea that I'd like to go and do something that night, so I called Erp and Terra, and suggested we meet at the Cup and Saucer at 7:45. I walked over, grabbed a Pale Ale, and soon Erp walked in, followed soon by Terra and her friend Jill, followed soon by Terra's friend Kelly. Liz joined us a bit later, as did Tim, and Kelly's boyfriend Brooks. What started out as a couple of friends getting together for a nice drink, became a fun group, listening to a DJ spinning breakbeats.

I have a feeling that last night was the first night of a very long weekend. Bring it on.

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