10:11 PM, Aug 9, 2006
28th Recap
I have a lot with which to catch you up and frankly, I don't feel like it. So I'll give you the USA Today version, and let the forthcoming pictures tell the story. On the day before my birthday, I went to the Power Plant Brewery in Parkville with Jeff, Erp, and Chris. Erp and I moved on from there to Harry's in the River Market, and then on to Davey's Uptown for the exact stroke of midnight on my 28th birthday. We got some Pancho's and went home.
Yesterday, I took care of some business, and met up with Geoff, Erp, Brody, and Andrew at the River Market Brewing Company for happy hour, before all of us except for Brody went to the Royals/Red Sox game. The game was very exciting- back and forth the whole time. Ortiz, Brown, and some other dude hit home runs, and Royals came out on top in the end. They even managed to keep the Sox scoreless in the 8th and 9th innings, which is something they usually are unable to do. The park was totally packed. It was maybe three or four thousand shy of capacity.
Erp, Geoff, and I went to Harry's after the game and hung out with Rose, our favorite waitress. We closed the joint at 1:30am.
It was an excellent birthday.
chicus had this to say:
All the Boston radio guys could do was bitch about how hot it was in KC, quite annoying.
The last Royals game I was at, probably 15 years ago, the guys ext to us bet every half-inning on whether or no the ball would end up on the mound when each team retreated to the dugoout. Feel free to create your own rules, but a little way to take a boring part of the game and make it interesting.
Those looked like good seats, did they run you more than a ten-spot?
8:09 PM, Aug 9, 2006
bahua blurted:
I don't know what heat they were talking about. It was frigging hot(103, and it's still 99 out) today, but it was actually *really* nice last night. Uncharacteristically so. I think that during the game, it was never over 80 degrees.
The seats were corporate seats, owned by the employer of one of the guys in our group. Yes, they were excellent seats. Geoff got a piece of a foul ball, but screwed it up.
I've played that ridiculously dull ball-on-mound game before. No thank you. I liked our game. Each person puts a dollar in the cup, and we hand it to the next person whenever the batters change, regardless of the side. If a player gets on base, by any means(hit, fielder's choice, walk, hit by pitch, mercy ruling, act of god, etc), the person holding the cup takes the money in it, and everybody puts another dollar in. It was fun.
8:23 PM, Aug 9, 2006
dick took the time to say:
john, that's the same game i play. the ball NEVER ends up on the mound in MLB anymore.
12:33 PM, Aug 10, 2006