2:27 PM, Dec 26, 2006
Recap and Back
Okay, I've been quite the louse with the updating, as 2006 has drawn to a close. So in a piddly attempt to bring you back up to speed:
- I went to a bitchin' Christmas party at Erp's place and blew a chance to kiss someone because I was oblivious as usual.
- I drove to Peoria for the annual caroling party, which was excellent as usual.
- I ate Indian food on Christmas Eve, and found Lagunitas Brown Shugga on tap for $2.50. Not so usual.
- I got a robot for Christmas that will be used to vacuum the floor of my apartment and scare the hell out of my roommate's cat.
- I made it home last night in 5 1/2 hours without speeding(much).
- I watched "The Pursuit of Happyness," and am once again completely obsessed with San Francisco.
- I took lots of pictures of Christmas, which will be "developed" shortly.
- I received my gift to myself: a bigtime computer upgrade. I am going to begin installing it tonight.
There. Now you know what's going on. Want to get a beer and talk more about it?
chicus said:
The great thing about oblivity (I think I made that word up) is that at some point, it shall pass.
The great thing about making a registered user validate their entry is that it too shall pass...right?
9:52 PM, Dec 28, 2006
bahua responded:
Perhaps I need to make it more clear. Registered users do not have to validate.
9:56 PM, Dec 28, 2006
chicus responded:
mea culpa. when talking to this bahua fellow upon the initial release, I was told everyone had to enter that blasted text. i suppose _reading_ the non-bolded text might help...
10:01 PM, Dec 28, 2006
Rachel cut in with:
cannot WAIT for all those pictures. Did you take any pictures at Sizzling India, the place that your
infinitely wise little sister brought you?
12:27 PM, Dec 30, 2006