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6:37 AM, Jul 15, 2003 toot this
BBQ makes you Slow
I had a pretty unexciting weekend. Brian and I both stayed in town, and went to Boulevard for a brewery tour and taste. While there, we ran into Leslie, a friend from KCGeek, and an avid beer lover. We met up after that with Ben, a friend of Brian's from college, who was on his way from Denver to Chicago, for barbecue and beer. It was lovely. Unfortunately, however, I still hadn't learned my lesson about going out for gratuitous amounts of barbecue before going out to drink beer. We went to Buzzard Beach, utterly sapped of energy, and barely got one beer down, much less the ten that we had planned.

Brian and I are planning a trip for this weekend, ever since my Minneapolis trip fell through. There is a semi-sentient thread about it on the forums right now, and I am leaning toward Denver at the moment.

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