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6:48 PM, Oct 21, 2004 toot this
The Conference
I am very surprised at this, but my sister called me today to complain about a lack of updates on this site. It's only been three days or something, but I guess that's enough to raise the radar. So, for you, Julia, here's a short update on the trip.

The conference itself has largely been a hand-holding convention, as there, presumably, must still be a number of people who just don't grasp the basic concepts of having a job, and the paperwork that often goes with it. There was a very good block of system administration training, but it only lasted for about a day and a half. If the whole week consisted of that kind of training, then I would call this a very valuable conference. Unfortunately, because of the markedly but apparently necessarily repetitive nature of the rest of the events, it seems to have amounted to little more than a very pleasant meeting of the people of this program. That's very nice, but certainly not worth the tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars that were spent to make this happen.

The Embassy Suites have been excellent, though. I have never stayed at one before, and am very impressed by the overall quality. I am disappointed, however, that high-speed internet access isn't included in the room rate. The free breakfasts and happy hours have been partially satisfactory in making up for this, however.

Geoff and I have gone downtown two nights, to find some very fun bars and a ridiculous array of beautiful friendly women. I have a new Draight of the Week for you, but will be unable to get it ready before I get home. Speaking of home, I can't wait to get back. While this place is lovely, I am definitely ready to get back home, and sleep in my own bed.

Orlando is nice.


Rachel replied:
Hey, *I* told you to update, too.

11:45 PM, Oct 21, 2004

Gulia blurted:
My name in print.

Good things are going to start happening to me now!

2:58 PM, Oct 25, 2004

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