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9:54 AM, Apr 8, 2006 toot this
KC Vista
I arranged to meet Jeff at Jilly's for a drink, prior to heading down to First Friday. While there we managed to buy some photographic art from some guy who described himself as "bipolar, and looking to get out of the business." Casey behind the bar was happy to hold on to them for us whil we went galavanting about the Crossroads. We ran into Heidi and Marisa at Town Topic, and headed over to Grinders for some really crowded drinks.

We were interested in getting away from the crowds, and we had never seen the city from 600 feet before, so we went over to Skies, a revolving 42nd-floor restaurant sitting atop the Hyatt on McGee, for overpriced drinks and appetizers, and a breathtaking view of the city.

After that, we hobbled down to the Brick for a couple more drinks, and to watch the New Tragedies play their instruments, with some friends I had also arranged to meet that night.

But, uh, yeah, $80 later...

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@2002-2024, John Kelly