1:01 PM, Mar 24, 2004
As You Were
Okay, so it looks like the site is visible from where I live, on the internet, now. I have had some time to sit around, while my new employer renovates the building where I'll be working, to accomodate the 30+ computers over which I will soon have godlike powers. In the meantime, I am to get a bunch of HR forms filled out, and stay on top of my email, which piles up to a whopping four or five messages a
day. Also, FYI, bahua dot com operates on Eastern time now. I think you will, nevertheless, appreciate the more speedy and reliable rendering of the stammerings on this webpage.
Sprint_HQ blurted:
..oh.. and the "princess" link, when I submit this comment, doesn't seem to work.. I had to reload this page.
Um.. the collective.. out..
6:18 PM, Mar 24, 2004
R._Heller spoiled the calm with:
So is bahua dot net hosted from your place, and dot com is hosted by a hosting company?
9:36 AM, Mar 25, 2004
bahua had this to say:
dot net was always on a hosted server, in an attempt to get everything rewritten for dot com's move to hosted space. I still haven't made up my mind what I'll do with dot net, now that dot com has been successfully moved, but I'm sure I can think of something.
11:01 AM, Mar 25, 2004
Gulia took the time to say:
do you realize that your pictures from 2001 and 2002 aren't working?
11:13 AM, Mar 26, 2004
bahua interrupted with:
Looks like my host for images is down at the moment. I will call him tomorrow, if the trouble persists.
2:24 AM, Mar 27, 2004
bahua took the time to say:
Now it looks like he's back up.
1:57 PM, Mar 27, 2004
dw had this to say:
4:55 AM, Mar 28, 2004