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10:11 AM, Jan 4, 2007 toot this
My Head Asplode
Ugh. One of the guys at work came to work sick, because it's apparently impossible for anything to happen without him being here, and as a result, I am now sick. Others will be too. I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night, and I was noticably shivering under the covers. Like an idiot, I didn't call in today, as I had it in my mind to leave here after our weekly staff meeting at 9:30am.

The staff meeting was cancelled, but the guy who made me sick told me he wanted me to stay until noon, presumably to infect some more people. I have been sitting still doing a horrible job of getting anything done, and counting the minutes until lunchtime, when I plan on getting the hell out of here.

My nose is raw from blowing it every three minutes, and is leaking "I am sick" brand liquid snot to ensure that I cannot exist without my roll of toilet paper nearby. My head has a light but steady ache, and my sinuses are pressurized. I need to go home.


chicus interrupted with:
I got that on Tuesday night. Sore throat started at 7, waking up sweaty with incomprehensible night terrors started at 11:30. AWESOME.

7:15 PM, Jan 4, 2007

bahua commented:
Night terrors? Holy crap!

I just took some nyquil. I will probably go to bed now.

7:22 PM, Jan 4, 2007

haterade drinker. chimed in with:
i hate you because youre sick.

1:34 PM, Jan 5, 2007

bahua replied:
You better believe I called in today. It's 4pm, and I still feel like certified ass.

3:06 PM, Jan 5, 2007

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