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6:06 AM, Jan 1, 2003 toot this
1/1/2003 7:06 AM
Happy New Year! Just like when I rang in 2002, I am at work. But, for the first time since 1995, I was in the state were I lived when it turned midnight. Last year, I was at work in Kansas. The year before, I was by myself in California. The year before that, I was in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, watching my family ski, from a red, padded cast I earned making fun of someone. The year before that, I was in Orlando, Florida, on a nice vacation with my family. The year before that, I was in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, able to ski, and drinking copious amounts of beer in an outdoor hottub. The year before that, I was in Keystone, Colorado, enjoying a good ski with my family, on the last family vacation we ever took, all together, before my Mom died. Brian is in Illinois, but will be back this afternoon. I can't wait to get paid.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly