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6:28 PM, Feb 7, 2007 toot this
I offered.

They countered.

I countered.

They countered.

I accepted.

I am about to be a homeowner.

I hate moving.


first poster thinks:

6:45 PM, Feb 7, 2007

chris chimed in with:

i'll help you move.

6:46 PM, Feb 7, 2007

Cole offered:
horay. I would help you move, but I am a liability. Also, I'm out of town that day. Which building is this? what floor?

7:03 PM, Feb 7, 2007

staubio had this to say:
Holy shit, yo. Awesome! Congrats. I'll help.

7:17 PM, Feb 7, 2007

ck had this to say:
Congrats Johnny Boy.

7:45 AM, Feb 8, 2007

Callie wants you to know:
Nothing like buying a home on a whim... anyway, congratulations crazyhead!

10:35 AM, Feb 8, 2007

bahua blurted:
It definitely wasn't a whim. Perhaps we should talk more.

10:49 AM, Feb 8, 2007

Kelly was sure you'd want to know:
CONGRATS! yippee for equity

9:48 AM, Feb 9, 2007

R.A. Heller replied:
Congratulations Bahua :) Now you can put that stripper pole in your room that you always wanted.

2:57 PM, Feb 9, 2007

Rachel blurted:

3:53 PM, Feb 9, 2007

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