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2:47 PM, Mar 31, 2004 toot this
Yeah, so, nobody can see this, because csoft's dns servers decided to forget that this domain exists. For those of you who are resourceful enough to view this page as bahua dot net, welcome, and dot com will be back up at some point. I close, with "Dammit."


Gulia cut in with:
I made it here...how smart i am!

I am so smart, SMRT....

10:36 PM, Mar 31, 2004

Some Retard wants you to know:

12:23 PM, Apr 1, 2004

Some Retard chimed in with:
w00t! I am some retard!!!!

12:24 PM, Apr 1, 2004

Homer blurted:
That was my line. I mean smart.

1:59 PM, Apr 1, 2004

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