1:11 AM, Jun 17, 2006
The party was fantastic. The keg of Two Hearted blew at about 12:30 am, and after I did the dishes, I came back into my room, and found the following note, sitting on my desk:
The sex with you was the most amazing cosmic lovemaking EVER! I never gave anyone a blumpkin before. DAMN... you are so hot. You can give me a dirty sanchez anytime. By the way... Cleveland steamer- I LOVED IT!
Your special girl.
Bleh. I don't think it needs to be said that no sex was had between me and anyone. Sigh. I don't know anyone as filthy as this, and if I did, I don't think I'd be quite the sleeper at night. I'm going to bed now.
UPDATE(6/18): The
pictures are done. Enjoy!
Cole chimed in with:
I don't remember falling down. are you sure i wasn't just tired and decided to rest on the deck a bit? sometimes i lay on floors voluntarily. also, it was good to meet all those people, and i remember some of them. a bit. so we should do this again. because i forgot everyones names already.
8:47 PM, Jun 18, 2006