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1:27 PM, Feb 15, 2004 toot this
No Sleep for You!
That was certainly an unpleasant night. I worked an enterprise release from midnight until six, and came home to be oncall. I was then almost immediately paged(at least, with enough delay for me to get comfortably asleep) to join a call, regarding moving two simple text files that the AppAdmins forgot to tell us to move in an earlier implementation, that wound up taking all of the remainder of the morning, as everyone on the call argued about what the proper procedure was to order a production move outside their official maintenance window. It was a little slice of hell, I assure you, and because of it, I had to cancel going to the Galactic show tonight.


Lev blurted:
I second that emotion.

8:52 AM, Feb 20, 2004

Latey_McThirdshift cut in with:

10:00 AM, Feb 20, 2004

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