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12:55 AM, Aug 30, 2002 toot this
8/30/2002 1:55 AM
Another Thursday night marks the end of Sprint PCS IT - Service Delivery "Shorts Friday." It was a good run, and I'll miss it heartily. This weekend, the Brookside Irish festival will congest the streets around 63rd and Brookside. I'm going to go, with a colleague, his girlfriend, and anyone else who wants to go. Tonight is a party for said colleague's birthday, and a party for a departing kcgeek. I am torn, on which one I will attend, or both, or either. Also, this'll be probably the most beautifully-weathered weekend that we will experience for a long time. I love this time of year. I suppose I have a pretty full weekend ahead of me. Also, it's payday. Time to get the creditors off my back. Sprint will render a decision on whether to employ my brother today, and he will allegedly hear from them today.Time to get the creditors off my back. Sprint will render a decision on whether to employ my brother today, and he will allegedly hear from them today. Fingers are getting crossed.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly