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12:31 PM, Apr 29, 2005 toot this
Fifty Million
This morning at about 11 o'clock, the fifty millionth download since the release of version 1.0, back in November, of Firefox was recorded. I know I have been trying to pressure you all into things like switching to gmail, Linux, and good beer, but for you to switch to Firefox requires no life-changing moves on your part, except satisfaction with a superior product.

If I can't convince you to stop using Internet Explorer, then maybe you'll see that fifty million downloads don't just happen. Firefox is popular because it's great. Join this century, by using a web browser actually made in it. Use Firefox!


thesmartone offered:
I use safari

on my ibook G4 laptop

why is firefox better than my safair?

7:43 PM, May 4, 2005

bahua interjected:
I never claimed that firefox was better than safari. I am not qualified to say whether it is or not, seeing as I've never used safari. You'll notice, upon reading for comprehension, that I never said anything about safari in the post.

8:38 PM, May 4, 2005

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