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6:24 AM, Jun 7, 2004 toot this
Back from Wisconsin
I got back to town late last night, and crashed about as soon as my head touched the pillow. Compared to most things that only require that you sit still, travelling seems by far the most tiring. Amanda and I left Madison at noon, got to Minneapolis by 5, and I made it home by 11:30. Sigh.

The wedding was great, though. It was awesome watching James watch Jackie, throughout the day. After the rehearsal was over, a couple of us went over to the Blue Moon, a bar about two blocks from the hotel, where most notably Steve, and to a lesser extent, Amanda, finished off the task of getting drunk. I drank beer all day on Saturday, but I never did get drunk. I suppose I must have had my mind on other things.

After an entire day spent driving, and a slightly short night's sleep, I'm at work, struggling to stay awake and sane.


R.A._Heller cut in with:
Good to see you at the wedding John. Unfortunantly we did not have more time to catch up!

9:19 AM, Jun 7, 2004

Renae interjected:
Where are the pics???

4:20 PM, Jun 7, 2004

bahua replied:
I'm working on them! Easy, killer!

7:17 PM, Jun 7, 2004

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