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4:26 PM, Jun 18, 2014 toot this
Back Home, Catching Up
We made it to Denver, spent a brilliant weekend there, and got everything done that we needed to do. We have a venue. Ali and I will be getting married at the Table Mountain Inn in Golden, CO on Sunday, April 19th, 2015. Ali managed to pick out a dress without losing her mind on Saturday, and we were able to make good use of the time that remained to us over the weekend. I even managed a couple runs for exercise, though the air at 5000 feet is much thinner and caused me incredible fatigue very quickly. It will take some acclimation when we move there.

In site news, it appears that this site doesn't look great on a mobile device, and the right-hand element that shows random pictures and links to random posts takes up way too much space on a phone screen. I am happily able to make updates to the site from my phone though. I will need to work on some of the CSS, and make some layout decisions.

I've been working hard since we got home last night on some programming projects. One is a financial tracker that gives a short view of all my stock investments with a single simple command. the other projects have been for work, and as I write this I just sent off an email to the rest of my team at work saying that one of the aforementioned projects is finished enough that people can play with it. It's already identified two production servers with serious problems for which no alarm was ever generated. So I'm pretty pleased about that.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly