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9:09 AM, Oct 26, 2006 toot this
Italian Excess
Last night, I left the office at about 5:30pm and zigzagged all over the southeast side of Kansas City for a while, making my way south and west toward Waldo. I was meeting the boys from work over at Cascone's in Overland Park at 6:30pm, so I had some time to kill. I stopped at Waldo Pizza to see if they have any of the wonderful Bell's Two Hearted Ale left, and they told me that whenever they get a case of it, it sells out in only a day or two. After that, they have to wait a while longer to get another short-lived case. It looks to me like KC's distributor for Bell's beer needs to get on the ball and stock this stuff on a more abundant basis.

I had to settle for a cask IPA over at 75th St Brewery. It's still delicious, but when you want a Two Hearted Ale, it just doesn't cut it. I drank down the cask IPA, and got back in my car. Wanting to avoid Metcalf, I drove down Mission Road to 95th. Dinner was a lot of fun, and the Chicken Spedini was delicious. I had two glasses of wine: one Rosso and an Chianti Classico. Both were delicious, but I think they affected me a little more than I had expected.

I was dizzy until two in the morning, and I kept waking myself up with a start about once an hour. Italian wine is delicious, but I think I'll avoid it for a while.

I got up this morning and realized that for last week's staff meeting, I was the last one in the door, and late. This means that I was required to bring in donuts. I hit every single light between my place an Lamar's on the 3400 block of Main, and at every light between there and the office. It's been a slow morning.

Tonight, we have trivia at the Record Bar, though the attendees have been dropping like flies. I think we're only going to be able to have one team.

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