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2:40 PM, Sep 11, 2006 toot this
Greener Pastures
I have accepted a job offer from a local company for a position working in Unix system administration, getting experience with all those things with which I need experience, making more money, and returning to the 9-5 lifestyle.

My current employer is great and all, but I feel like I'm wasting away, working for them. The crazy amounts of time off, and "working offline," that goes on is turning me into a genuinely lazy person. I feel like I'd be doing myself a disservice if I don't work in a place that challenges me.

That said, I'll be starting my new job in early October, and I'm thrilled to death about it.


chicus offered:
Congrats man. Does it cut down on the commute as well? I know that was a drawback of the old job.

5:31 PM, Sep 11, 2006

d i c k wants you to know:

6:57 PM, Sep 11, 2006

Rachel offered:
That is excellent! Congrats, and good luck adjusting to the business world's hours. And have fun on the bus, oh do we love public trans!

2:30 AM, Sep 12, 2006

mean responded:
Awesome, man. Does that mean there's an opening for a job where I can stay home most days? :P

9:31 AM, Sep 12, 2006

ck interjected:
Congrats John!

10:52 AM, Sep 12, 2006

bahua offered:
The commute is much easier. It'll be about forty five minutes on the bus, which I intend to use whenever possible, or about twelve minutes by car. It'll be great to get back into natural exercise by taking the bus.

11:11 AM, Sep 12, 2006

dumonk brooked no delay in saying:
Very nice! Congrats!!

2:26 PM, Sep 14, 2006

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