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7:38 AM, Jun 30, 2007 toot this
Good Morning From Detroit
It's a beautiful day in the Motor City.


This city really surprised me. I thought we were going to have to find the good stuff- to look for it. But no. Downtown Detroit is a really excellent place. As Jeff offered via text message, "it must have been the super bowl." Side-splitting comedy aside, this downtown has apparently gone through a remarkable transformation in the last five to ten years.

We had some lamb in Greektown, walked down Monroe, wandered around looking for a place with local beer, and finally decided on the Detroit Brewing Company, near Comerica Park. I'm now sitting at the desk in room 606 of the Hilton Garden Hotel, putting off packing all my stuff back into my bag for our impending international crossing in a few hours.

More to come when I get access to the interprons again.

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@2002-2024, John Kelly