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5:48 PM, Oct 1, 2003 toot this
Welcome Back, Internet Access
No, I haven't become a pair of creepy Indian princesses with streaming video. The site was down over the weekend. Sorry for the downtime, folks. After a difficult move and a very annoying lack of internet access, bahua dot com is back. We have moved into the new apartment and love everything about it, especially the neighborhood. I am taking the bus to and from work each night, thus largely eliminating any need I have for a car. I haven't driven my car since Sunday, when we finished the move, and I don't plan on driving at all until the next time it's my turn to drive to the store. Premium gas = bus pass.

There are tons of unsecured wireless networks here, with users invariably being Roadrunner customers using wireless broadband routers. So, it's a bit of a bonanza for wireless downtown, as I suspected it would be. Dad, Amy, and Brian's girlfriend, Kathleen, will be coming to town this weekend, and we all plan on going to Hermann for some fun and Oktoberfest.


InlineSkater took the time to say:
Hack the planet!

9:21 PM, Oct 1, 2003

R._Heller took the time to say:
Put up some pics of your new place.

8:56 AM, Oct 2, 2003

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@2002-2025, John Kelly