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10:41 PM, Jan 12, 2005 toot this
Site Survey
I have completed the site survey for our exercise in March. Everything went very well, I think. Last night, I went out in Madison, and managed visits to the Great Dane Brewery, as well as the Come Back Inn- both sensational places to get a pint of beer. Fortunately, since this is Wisconsin, they don't really do pints, because there are plentiful other larger glasses they'd rather use. The average glass size last night was about twenty ounces.

My favorite place, though, was the Come Back Inn. One gimmick it held for me was that it was the first place I ever drank a beer in Wisconsin. Ten years ago(when I was sixteen) my brother, cousins, and I stopped unwittingly at this bar, on the way back from a ski trip to Cascade Mountain, up near the Dells. I mustered my courage while we were there for dinner and a warm fire, and ordered a Leinie's Red, and without hesitation, the friendly staff served me up a tall glass of beer. As I recall, it really hit the spot.

Eric, an old friend from college, joined me at the bar, and we talked about old times. As we reminisced about ruining each other's academic careers back in the Spring of '00, the friendly bartenders kept bringing us drinks, and charged us for about half of them. Needless to say, the free shots of Tullamore Dew didn't need to happen, but we still appreciated them greatly.

I have a draught of the week for you, as well, courtesy of the Come Back Inn. Now, however, I need to get some sleep, as my flight departs from Madison at the crack of noon tomorrow.

This was an excellent trip.

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