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2:11 PM, Sep 22, 2003 toot this
Dave McD Visits
An old friend, Dave McDermott, came to town this weekend, on a diverted trip back to Iowa from Colorado Springs. It was never certain when he would make it here, but on Friday, just after I had turned my lights off to get a nap, he called to say that he wouldn't be able to make it on that day, because of obligations he had in Colorado. With this in mind, Brian and I went to Boulevard without him, and were impressed with the massive expansions in capacity they are making, and the construction that testified thereto.

When we arrived at home, Saturday afternoon, Brian clicked on the flashing answering machine, and played back a message from about 45 seconds previous, from Dave, as he wandered around Midtown, looking for 214 East Armour Blvd. I ran downstairs, and up and down the street, watching for him driving a car I wouldn't recognize, carrying a phone of which I didn't know the number. On one of my circuits, I was walking back east on Armour, toward the building, when I saw Dave walking on the sidewalk with the same plaintive expression on his face that I had.

We went down to the Plaza Art Fair, and had a total blast, wandering around in the perfect weather, sipping on reasonably-priced drinks, and moved on to 75th Street Brewery for seasonals and dinner. After that, we hit the Velvet Dog for more beer, conversation, and a good chance to catch up. We walked home from there, stopping at the 7-11 to pick up a twelve-pack. So ended Saturday.

We went to mass at 11, came home for some bacon, eggs, potatoes, and Entenmann's. We spent the next few hours giving Dave a tour of the city, and topped off the day at Porter's Deli and Bar, where AC's Garage used to be. We came home and played some CTF on our little apartment LAN, and went to bed.

In many ways it was a typical weekend, except for the pleasant fact that Dave McDermott was here. But, it wasn't until the tail-end of the weekend that it was made clear to me that this was the last weekend we had at 214 East Armour. We move next weekend.

1 comment

REALLYLEV interjected:
GREAT POST WOULD READ AGAIN A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

9:24 PM, Sep 23, 2003

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