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9:51 PM, Apr 13, 2004 toot this
Beer Section Unleashed
I have completed writing for a new section of bahua dot com: Draught of the Week. You can see each one, each week(or so), by clicking on the "DOTW" link in the side menu. Enjoy!


Gulia had this to say:
Did my posting show up on your end for the DOTW?

10:18 AM, Apr 14, 2004

R._Heller took the time to say:
Man you are my hero. Also have you completed a world tour yet at Old Chicago?

3:40 PM, Apr 14, 2004

bahua interrupted with:
Julia: No, it did not, because I hadn't updated the executable for that comment section from when it was hosted at home, and it had different stuff. It's updated now, and as far as I know, at this precise second, it works. But, give it time, and it'll fail for you, soon enough. I have faith in that.

Rick: I have been to Old Chicago, and while it is nice, it pales in comparison to Barley's.

4:17 PM, Apr 14, 2004

R._Heller cut in with:
Need Barleys in Cedar Rapids!!!!! Unfortunantly Old Chicago, in Iowa City has the largest beer selection on tap. I have not found any others in the CR metro area......yet....

8:23 AM, Apr 15, 2004

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