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3:38 PM, May 9, 2008 toot this
The Flying Saucer
The Flying Saucer opened on Monday, and I've been there every day since, in a vain attempt to lead the persistent field of people in the UFO club in total beers consumed(with a per-day limit of three beers). I really don't care about the rewards. They're actually pretty lame, considering the investment of time and money required to attain them. It's more just a ridiculous pissing contest from which I can't bring myself to back down.

All that said, I love the Flying Saucer. It's everything I'd hoped it would be, and much more. The staff is friendly, easy on the eyes, and I always run into someone I know when I'm there. I'm about to leave the office on this lovely Friday afternoon to meet Geoff there.

I have in store a completely unallocated weekend to spend in Kansas City. I am ecstatic about this. See you on the boring end of it!


Matt spoiled the calm with:
I had lunch there yesterday with a few coworkers. I enjoyed the place. Too bad I was still "working" and couldn't have a drink. :(

4:51 PM, May 9, 2008

dick blurted:
i often eat lunch at the one by my office in austin. How can you not love the mini skirts and knee-highs?

10:35 AM, May 12, 2008

Brad took the time to say:
Watch out!

Top 10 - Who's Going into the Ring of Honor Next

Name Brews

John Kelly 21

Michael Krueger 21

Rian Moe 21

Matt Moser 20

Wade Davis 18

Scott Franke 18

Dan Hyndman 17

David Hasselhoff 16

Drew Davis 15

Aimee Wynhausen 15

12:41 PM, May 12, 2008

flying saucer thinks:

1:42 PM, May 12, 2008

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