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9:55 AM, Jun 9, 2003 toot this
6/9/2003 10:55 AM
I had a fun, relatively unexciting weekend in Des Moines. We went to two Triple-A ballgames, and it was rainy and pretty miserable at both, especially the first one. On Friday morning, a few of us went out for a few beers after work, at some places out in Lees Summit. It definitely was fun, but I had to get on the road later that day, not to mention that I had to drive the 16 miles back to my place. So I couldn't drink much. It was, nevertheless, very fun, and we all agreed to meet again at a bar in town called Charlie Hooper's, on Sunday night.

So, in light of this, I made sure to leave Des Moines early enough to make it back to KC in time to meet everybody. As a bit of a surprise for everyone, Geoff was in town, and he and I arranged for him to meet us all. On my way down from Iowa, Brian called me, and informed me that there was already a gathering of people at Side Pockets, a billiard bar in Lees Summit. It was 6 PM.

I was disappointed by this, as I wasn't keen on the idea of driving 32 miles round trip to get to a bar. I called Geoff from the road, and he agreed that the idea of driving out to Lees Summit was less than appealing. I decided, in the end, to go anyway, meet up with everyone, and then go to Charlie Hooper's to meet with Geoff, and anyone else that the folks in Lees Summit didn't manage to get a hold of. In addition, I trusted Brian, who had planned the whole time to be at home by 9:30 or 10, so he could ring his steady girl, to drive my car home. He only killed it once(that I saw). I was proud of him.

In total, I went to no less than three bars, and managed to keep my spending under $30, and to boot, Geoff's sister gave me a ride home. It was a very fun Sunday, but I really wish more people had come to Hooper's. I do think, however, that I would like to make Sunday nights more of a regular thing, as bars are rather sparsely populated, and the drink specials are thick. Also, Hooper's has Bully Porter on tap. Yum.

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