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8:58 PM, Jun 30, 2005 toot this
Here I Am!
Work is slow. Life at home is picking up. I have been going out more lately, including to happy hour at downtown's newest bar, the smoke-free Mango Room. I figured I needed at least one more entry in June, since I have done such an abyssmal job at updating, this month. So here goes.

I am just now rounding off the last couple of weeks I'll have in KC, before taking trips every weekend in July, except this coming weekend, the Fourth of July. Incidentally, I have nothing planned for the holiday. I know I'll sleep a lot, though. It's my first Independence day in Kansas City since before this illustrious site was founded, and yeah, I've got nothing. It's cool, though. Next weekend, I'll head to Chicago for my cousin Clare's wedding to Loras alumnus Bill Ryan. Who would have thought that the first Loras/Kelly family wedding I would attend wouldn't be my own?

Tired of the 20 gigabyte limit on my Rio Karma, I got a new mp3 player. I picked up an iaudio X5L with:

-30 GB of storage space

-35 hours of battery life

-Support for video playback on its big beautiful color screen

-The power to raise the dead and end all wars

I am excited, to say the least.

We played the first game of the second season of kickball last night, and we racked up our first official win! Everyone contributed to our win, even me! I would have to say that kickball is just about the best thing I've gotten into since I moved here.

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