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11:25 PM, Aug 31, 2003 toot this
Farewell to Joel and Susie
Brian and I had a fun weekend, and still managed to spend too much money. Joel and Susie will leave town, later today, so we spent some time with them, before they left, and made tentative plans to meet in or near New York, their new home, sometime in the near-to-intermediate future. It rained pretty much all weekend, and in so doing, brought a reprieve to cure us all of the weariness we had of the punishing heat of the last month or two. It's about 60 degrees out right now, and the temperature tomorrow is supposed to be no higher than 80.

We dropped off a deposit at New Quality Hill on Thursday, and announced to our current landlords of our intention to leave the Bellerive when our lease expires at the end of this month. It will be great.

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@2002-2025, John Kelly