3:49 PM, May 22, 2008
Dreams and Departures
I went to bed before midnight last night, and slept like a loud, open-mouthed, snoring baby. I woke up with diseased breath to grey-tinted darkness and the soothing sound of intermittent distant rumbling thunder. It was 7:30am, a half an hour before my alarm would go off, and when I would then reset it for 8:35am. This morning was grey and dark. It was a perfect morning for staying in bed and having weird extended dreams about sitting and staring.
But instead I woke up, got ready, and drove to work in pouring rain, getting drenched on the walk from my car to the door of my office building. I had a long morning, most of which was spent thinking about how I'm going to miss my friends Craig and Amber when they move to Chicago in a little over a month. I feel much the same about Craig's departure as I felt as my brother's wedding: that I'm losing one of my best friends to much greater things. I'm very excited for him, but I feel like I'm losing a part of myself.
I hope everybody has a nice Memorial Day weekend.