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2:22 PM, Feb 7, 2005 toot this
Picture Index Upgrade
I fixed up the picture pages a little bit. the most significant upgrade, for me, is that all the pictures can be loaded with a single file now, so changes in style or features will be much easier from here on. For you, the improvement is that when you click on a picture in an index, the page for the individual picture now has a description on it, and links to previous and next pictures/videos. Play around with it, as I have a couple of "albums," converted over now. I'll work my way to getting the rest, but it'll be a while.

Did anyone else miss the Super Bowl, but still catch American Dad?


RA_Heller was sure you'd want to know:
American DAD was great, I had some good laughs.

7:42 AM, Feb 8, 2005

Rachel cut in with:
I don't even know who played (much less WON) the super bowl.

11:25 AM, Feb 8, 2005

bahua thinks:
The Super Bowl is for chuckleheads, especially when the teams in it inspire no interest in all the non-chuckleheads.

5:11 PM, Feb 8, 2005

Brian replied:
I though American Dad was pretty lame. I had high hopes because I love the Family Guy. I can't quantify it, but I only laughed once in the whole episode, and I can't even remember what it was now..

5:09 PM, Feb 10, 2005

Jesse wants you to know:
Did not like it. I feel dumber for have watching it.

8:55 AM, Feb 14, 2005

bahua thinks:

9:01 AM, Feb 14, 2005

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