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11:51 AM, Aug 11, 2007 toot this
Hangover Abated
After spending all of August 9th painfully paying for August 8th, My hangover had for the most part subsided by the time Geoff rang my bell at 9am yesterday. In the intervening time since our greaseball burger foray to Town Topic, I had only managed to get a couple of glasses of water, and a small yet adventurous batch of chicken nuggets down. Now that I was feeling a bit more healthy, my hunger had returned in force. Geoff and I arranged to meet up, along with Paul and TJ from the old job in Leavenworth, at Johnny Carino's out at Village West.

The pasta was fine- nothing special -but the great part was seeing Paul and TJ again. I hadn't seen them since my last day at the old job, back in September, and it was great to hear their voices and see their faces again. I hope to have another lunch with them soon, though I admit it's not easy lining up our schedules, not to mention our geographic disparity. Unable to finish the man-sized portion of lunch I received, I took my box home, and finally found a parking spot on the free side of the street.

About as soon as I'd gotten home, I received a call from my cousin Andrew who, I had forgotten, was playing a show at the Brick in KC that very night. When he told me about it, I had been scheduled to be on call this weekend, but some schedule rearranging between then and now placed me firmly uncommitted, and available to take in a rockshow. After watching Strange Brew with Jeff, I met Andrew and his band at the Brick at about 9:30, and almost immediately was approached by some guy that wanted to be my best friend. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, hear them out, and be a decent person, but this guy, just like every previous Friday or Saturday night insta-friend, just wanted money. When it became clear that I wasn't going to be giving him any money, he left, under the stern gaze of the bouncer.

Here's a tip for all you future insta-friends, lest you give yourself and your agenda away: stop shaking hands with me every 20 seconds. It's weird, and highly insincere. There, now I just made identifying such people harder for everyone else.

The band took the stage second, and belted out some ground-shaking, mesmerizing tunes. It was wholly enjoyable. The problem for me was that I was about to keel over asleep. Just after Chris and Season, who I met by chance at the show took their leave, I announced to Andrew that I was too tired to have a late night. He understood, gave me a hug, and thanked me for coming out. It was great to see him again.

I walked home at 1 in the morning. It was about a mile and a half up and down a bunch of hills, in humid, still-hot weather. When I got home, my clothes were completely saturated. I took a refreshing shower and had a nice early turn-in.


alexjandro brooked no delay in saying:
"shaking hands with me every 20 seconds" and wanting money=pickpocket. Samething with a Spaniard dancing, and kicking your leg (just ask Curtis).

1:24 PM, Aug 13, 2007

the spaniard blurted:
sweep the leg!

8:17 PM, Aug 13, 2007

ck replied:
Alexjandro, that guy was quite the jag but you have to love Barcelona.

10:13 PM, Aug 15, 2007

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