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3:57 PM, Dec 8, 2002 toot this
12/8/2002 4:57 PM
I had a very enjoyable, but very tiring Saturday. Brian and I got up at the usual times, and managed to get out the door by 2, to get down to Waldo, to try to have a haircut party. Unfortunately, the barber shop had been closed for 2 1/2 hours, so the mullets will have to stay for a while longer. We drove on, to OP, to pick up my buddy Matt, who was joining us for yet another wonderful trip to Boulevard, for a tour and high-quality drinking session. I just can't believe how good that Nutcracker Ale tastes, especially on tap. Just before the tour, as the three of us walked into the tasting room, I spotted Mary Frascht, with whom I had a few classes at Loras and have always gotten along. Recently married, she and her husband Bill had come down to KC from their new home in Des Moines, for the Chiefs game today. She found out about Boulevard giving free tours at her job, and made haste in coming to KC for one. We all spent the tasting period talking and hanging out. After the tour was over, I suggested that we all go to the Newsroom, for pitchers of Boulevard Stout. And so we did, and there, over three or four pitchers, I asked Mary and Bill what their plans for dinner were, and stressed the importance of having Fiorella's. So, we all went there, drank some more beer, and enjoyed what Brian and I already knew to be the best sit-down barbecue restaurant in the world. I had the lamb ribs and burnt ends dinner, along with some Abita Turbodog. Nothing burps like Fiorella's. Brian and I went to Guardian Angels this morning, and it looks like he, and maybe I, will be getting involved in their youth group. Despite the amount of activity, it wasn't that expensive a weekend, either. How nice!

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@2002-2025, John Kelly