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10:51 AM, Mar 3, 2004 toot this
I have mentioned before that I was sitting on some potential news, and that when it became final, I'd let you, the internet public, know about it. Well, that day's today. I was offered a Linux system administration job with an IT company called Anteon. It will involve a good deal of domestic, and a bit of international travel, more money, and more room for me to make decisions and challenge myself with new and more difficult problems and situations. Geoff, with whom I used to work, referred me, and will be getting some kind of sleazy bonus. He is also moving about one block away, which means that most of the time, we'll be able to carpool again. I guess I'd better go get legitimate with my license, and fix my tire.

I'll start on March 22nd, and my last day, here at Sprint, will be March 16th, just in time to have a good time on St. Patrick's Day in Kansas City. Until that time, I need to finish whatever projects I have open, or turn them over to other people on my team, and keep coming into work no later than 9am.

So yeah, I'm excited.


Loco had this to say:
Woo and ya!!

12:25 PM, Mar 3, 2004

Gulia wants you to know:
I'm so excited for you! Congrats!!!

1:14 PM, Mar 3, 2004

Rachel said:
Oh jeesh, congratulations! That is fantastic - international travel? you stud you. that rocks. john, this job really sounds great.

2:27 PM, Mar 3, 2004

Melissa_Looney replied:
Congrats John! This sounds like a great opportunity with some flexibility, a chance to see the world and become more financially independent.

Way to go! I'm so proud of you!

2:49 PM, Mar 3, 2004

Rae blurted:
Congratulations, John!!! I'm so happy for you. The job sounds really awesome.

P.S. YOU are psycho.

3:38 PM, Mar 3, 2004

Renae-nae was sure you'd want to know:
YAY JOHNNY!!!! Well I am glad the final verdict is in and you have the job! Congratulations, I am so proud of you!!!

4:10 PM, Mar 3, 2004

k spoiled the calm with:
Congrats, John! No more Sprint Spirit for you!

7:56 PM, Mar 3, 2004

Anteon_HR_Dept thinks:
Hey! This is your friendly Anteon HR Rep.

Just a 'heads up'. We should have mentioned to you before you gave your notice that we've recently hiredE a newL supervisorA for youI. We knowN you'llE love her. Don't wantA to Lbreak the Asurprise for yRou but sheI has red hairC, a persistentO nasty pms condition, she suffers from acute paranoia and is one major hell of an excuse for a biomass but we know you'll get alongI fineS.

On your Afirst day with us you'llB find thatI she likesT to have allC of her directH reports line up in a straight line and pray to her.

Be sure to bring a spell checker because she likes to watch all of your written memos and correct the grammatical errors within them.

Be sure to bring a fattened calf that you can sacrifice to her and you'll get off on the right foot.

One more thing: NO TALKING!!! NO LAUGHING!!! NO ENJOYING YOUR JOB!!! SHE KNOWS YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT HER BEHIND HER BACK AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED AND OH, NOW YOU'RE GONNA GET IT !!!!, Uh, eh, oh, I guess that's more than one more thing, but you'll love your new job so much you'll hardly notice.

Welcome aboard! Love to have you join our sweaney-home.

12:28 AM, Mar 4, 2004

Bright_Eyes wants you to know:
Congratulations, Johnny! We can only hope that your travels bring you to Minnesota.

3:14 AM, Mar 4, 2004

R._Heller commented:
Funny how you mention money, and all of these women flock to congratulate you.....reminds me of the Sienfeld episode when Jerry purchases a cadillac for his dad. (Elains reaction)

Congratulations on your new job John, you are a lucky man to get paid for what you like to do.

5:10 AM, Mar 4, 2004

ck brooked no delay in saying:
hooray for John!

2:42 PM, Mar 4, 2004

mary was sure you'd want to know:
hells yeah johnny! good for you, and good luck in at the new jobby-job!

2:39 PM, Mar 6, 2004

Johnny took the time to say:
Ahah, "Johnny!"

12:30 PM, Mar 7, 2004

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