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9:31 PM, Apr 23, 2006 toot this
The Crawl Weekend
Curtis arrived at KCI a couple minutes early, and had to wait outside in the glorious upper-seventies weather for a few minutes, as I made my way to his terminal. We dropped off his stuff at home, and went for a bite and a nip at Harry's Country Club where, pleasantly, Rose waited on us again. After a nice sit at Harry's, we walked over to 5th and Grand where we caught the bus to Union Station. We walked up to the Liberty Memorial, but were disappointed to find that it had just closed for the day. So, we just took in the view, and walked down to Crown Center.

Steve and Renae pulled up, soon after Curtis and I had arrived back at home and had a water. At Steve's urging, we had a beer, and hurried over to Barney Allis Plaza, where we caught the Royals Express in the nick of time. The Royals lost, but our bus vouchers reduced the ticket price to $7 apiece, so nobody complained. It was a fun game, and the weather was perfect. Just so I don't have to say again, the weather was perfect, all weekend, except late Saturday night, when it rained like an Indonesian Monsoon.

We watched the post-loss fireworks, took the bus back to the city, and got off at 19th and McGee, which is close enough to Grinders for me. After two rousing games of euchre, we legged it right quick over to Town Topic, where we waited forty-five minutes for our order to be filled. We got a cab back to my house, and everybody was in bed by about 2:30 AM.

We got up and got showered and whatnot, Saturday morning, and once again, just barely made the bus. At the bus stop, we encountered Ryan, Andi, Cole, and Kristin, who were also crawling. When we got on the bus, we met Matt and Ryan, and we all rode down to Waldo together. Jeff met us as we got off the bus, and Josh joined us soon afterward.

Nine bars and ten hours later, everyone's energy was spent, and to make the walk home more pleasurable from Grinders, the last bar, it started raining in a continued heavy torrent, only broken up by spits of marble-sized hail. We were alternately drenched and pelted, and Renae fell down and audibly hit her head. We got home, cleaned up, and went to bed.

This morning, I woke up at ten 'til eight, took Curtis to KCI, came home, slept for two hours, accompanied Steve and Renae in their stirrings, said good bye, ate, and slept for two more hours. I spent a good deal of my waking hours today writing a web interface for writing captions for my picture pages. The first product of this easy new process is here.



Cole spoiled the calm with:
What? 9 bars and 10 hours? Thats all the words that this thing gets? I had fun, up until the part where we were waiting around for a taxi and then decided to walk. Although it got more fun once I started getting hailed on while walking through a muddy construction site. I saw some security looking guy running in my direction, and then sirens followed. I had the silly idea for a minute that security was on the ball and coming after me. It was scenic, and relaxing in a fight club kind of way. As resigned to my fate as I was, I didn't encounter anyone, except for the people a few floors up above having a party. It made me go home and get my camera and run around downtown smoking cigarettes and taking pictures. I suppose it's because I was still drunk, but I've never felt more safe and at home at 12 in the morning wandering around downtown with my camera. It was fun.

so yeah, enough about me. I liked meeting everyone. except for that one guy who tried to sell me "nosecandy" at harlings. I think going places during the day in a big group is a good idea. We were accomodated. 12 was actually a pretty good number. Much more and we probably would have needed to split into teams.

actually, i don't feel like typing anymore. you can maybe tell by the lack of capitalization.

10:47 AM, Apr 24, 2006

Cole wants you to know:
What? 9 bars and 10 hours? Thats all the words that this thing gets? I had fun, up until the part where we were waiting around for a taxi and then decided to walk. Although it got more fun once I started getting hailed on while walking through a muddy construction site. I saw some security looking guy running in my direction, and then sirens followed. I had the silly idea for a minute that security was on the ball and coming after me. It was scenic, and relaxing in a fight club kind of way. As resigned to my fate as I was, I didn't encounter anyone, except for the people a few floors up above having a party. It made me go home and get my camera and run around downtown smoking cigarettes and taking pictures. I suppose it's because I was still drunk, but I've never felt more safe and at home at 12 in the morning wandering around downtown with my camera. It was fun.

so yeah, enough about me. I liked meeting everyone. except for that one guy who tried to sell me "nosecandy" at harlings. I think going places during the day in a big group is a good idea. We were accomodated. 12 was actually a pretty good number. Much more and we probably would have needed to split into teams.

actually, i don't feel like typing anymore. you can maybe tell by the lack of capitalization.

10:48 AM, Apr 24, 2006

P.S. brooked no delay in saying:
your comment thing is wonky.

10:49 AM, Apr 24, 2006

bahua spoiled the calm with:
You're the wonky one, wonkface! Don't hit submit twice or hit F5 *ever*.

4:42 PM, Apr 24, 2006

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