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7:06 PM, Feb 2, 2006 toot this
Two Laps
If Winter means 60-degree sunny days, occasionally interrupted by slightly chillier, but by no means cold, weather, and no precipitation, then sign me up for Winter-land. For now, Kansas City will do, as that is the exact weather we've had for the past month and a half, in what is traditionally the height of Winter, when people get by with booze and pills, or, in Andy Richter's case, just booze.

Today was a shining example of fantastic Groundhog Day weather, with a high around 64, and a sharp blue, cloudless sky. Unable to sit still inside for long, I made some chicken stir-fry, brushed my teeth, passed the chicken, and went to drop off the rent at the leasing office. I was listening to the She Wants Revenge album, as walking around downtown on a glorious afternoon, and decided that while it's very cool music, it's just too depressing for such an occasion, and switched to Franz Ferdinand. I began to walk in step with the music, and was feeling rather high on life.

I walked down to the River Market, explored new areas, and was momentarily enthralled by the giant new television-type display on the front of the HOK building. I continued through the actual city market, and wound up, as if primally drawn, passing the threshold of the River Market Brewing Company. I ordered a porter, and then another one, and then three more, as I got acquainted with Myrna(a coincidentally good friend of Liz) and some guy that owns Grinders, one of my favorite bars in the world. Finally, I had to turn down a sixth beer, and got on my way.

The sun was westering by this time, casting a gorgeous light on downtown and the surrounding skyline. I had switched my player to 80s music by this time, and scurried home. When I arrived at my place, I received a call from Jason instructing me to point my inertia back to the River Market, to meet him with Geoff at Harry's Country Club for dinner and drinks. Not one to make a habit of saying no, I said yes, and marched back to the River Market.

Josh joined us, fresh off a payday, and we had a very nice time.

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